Know Us

Triada Technologies established in 2014, is committed to serve the Indian Hydraulics Industry, offering its expertise in the field of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Sealing SystemsThrough its wide range of Sealing Elements, Triada is in a position to propose most appropriate Sealing Systems for any application that one may come across, be it from any segment or application. Our efforts are focussed on bringing in the latest available Sealing Technology in other parts of the world and make it affordably available to our Customers, ensuring “Value for Money”.


  • Committed to serve the Indian Hydraulics Industry.
  •  Serve with humility, strive to offer the best, non-compromising on quality.
  •  Innovative in its offerings to the industry
  •  Pro-active
  •  Identify niche Segments & Applications
  •  Focus on Core Strengths
  • Associate with the Best Manufacturers / Suppliers globally.
  • Employee driven and their involvement in all activities of the Organisation.


Be in the Galaxy of those most valued Professional Organisations in the Country, Triada’s focus being on providing the True Sealing Experience to its Clients, far more satisfying to them than the services from anyone else in the Industry.


To be the most admired Organisation, in the regions it operates, ensuring Technical Superiority and also “Value for Money”, in all its offerings to the Industry. Association with Globally acclaimed Manufacturers, coupled with Triada’s experienced personnel, shall offer the Best Technology & Services to its Customers.

Will strongly support a culture of Innovation & Customer Focus which shall help achieve a win-win situation with all its Suppliers & Customers, thereby also ensuring a profitable growth for Triada too. Triada is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility activities, Employees taking a leadership role, accepting responsibility towards the Society.

Core Values



TRIADA assures all related Parties that we are acting in a socially and professionally acceptable manner. We have an established and published Code of Ethics in place to review our business, to guard against malicious or self-serving use of the code, for individual benefit.



TRIADA respects and appreciates our Customers, Vendors, our Employees and Service Providers of the ways in which they are unique. Triada strives to win the respect of others by the extra effort we put, to deliver more than what we promise.



TRIADA is passionate about achieving the excellence and being innovative. Triada is all about commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.



TRIADA believes in accountability breeds responsibility. We strive to prove our accountability by fulfilling the commitments that we have given to our Customers, Vendors, Service Providers and to our Employees as well.


Social Responsibility

TRIADA behaves ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of their workforce, their families as well as of the local community and society at large.